Head of ICT & Security Officers

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Enabling business with IT

The economy is becoming digital. Even traditional business that literally rely on the consumption of physical goods such as restaurants are having their business model not just disrupted but up-ended by digital only newcomers like UberEats and Deliveroo, IT has moved from being a back office function supporting the business to being a key strategic factor in the business’s success.

The pace of change in technology, and the associated cyber risks demand an effective risk and compliance management program for technology. A secure, robust and scalable IT platform is essential not just for business growth but for business survival.

Implementing best practice in IT governance, supporting a culture of continuous improvement, and monitoring adherence to company policy and procedures builds the best platform for business growth by providing the best experience for the business’s customers.

The red flare platform allows IT to demonstrate to senior management how strategic objectives are being enabled and implemented, how investment has been prioritised and spent, how risks are identified and managed, how best practice is being followed and that cyber risk is contained within the organisation’s stated risk appetite.

Confident, demonstrable IT governance enables and promotes business success

red flare enables your business’s success

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