
Drive your business forward with our enterprise solution for logistic service providers

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Operational risk visibility

Logistics is literally where the rubber meets the road and enables the global supply chain that allows Irish customers benefit from Korean technology combined with German engineering packaged with Italian flair. Issues arising from multiple locations, cross jurisdictional operations, employee and public safety must all be managed in a timely manner on a 24 hour 7 day a week schedule.

red flare understands the unique challenges faced within logistics and our cloud based, always-on, risk and compliance platform provides logistic managers the information and tools they need to manage the operational risks they face.

On demand reports

Provide your management team with the information they need to run the business – focus on your top ten challenges, identify which controls are performing and effective, and which ones are not.

red flare provides a centralised reporting platform that allows issues to be identified, recommendations to be made, and the implementation of those recommendations to be monitored supporting your business’ drive for success.

Contact red flare to arrange a demo

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