red flare . governance
Governance is the DNA of an organisation. It determines how decisions are made, implemented, and how the organisation constantly renews itself. It is the organisational process for translating objectives into actions. Good governance is achieved when objectives are clearly defined and communicated, and responsibility for implementing each objective is assigned to specific roles or individuals.
red flare enables good governance by mapping your organisation’s structure, roles, responsibilities and reporting lines. It tracks minuted decisions made by groups and committees; assigning responsibility for completing those tasks. It triggers reviews of policies to ensure they are timely and relevant.
Corporate governance involves a set of relationships between a company’s management, its board, its shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance also provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined.
Move away from unmaintainable, insecure, out of date spreadsheets, word documents and paper and use Governance Manager to save time and money
Governance Manager has pre-populated sectoral models which make this software effective from the day you sign up
Available in Standard, Professional or Enterprise configurations to suit the needs of different organisation types and sizes: corporate, regulated financial institutions (i.e. credit unions, brokers, banks), and not for profits including charities.
All plans benefit from our enterprise level cloud infrastructure: data is managed within an ISO 27001 environment.
For whole of enterprise reporting combine our strategy, governance, risk, compliance and internal audit modules to provide a comprehensive, consolidated 360 degree view of how effectively your organisation is fulfilling its purpose.
Organisation Chart
Committee Members
Proper persons regime
Secure document store
Board packs
Minute Packs
Policy Register
Register of interests
Software register
Task Management
Training needs
Oversight of the governance process is supported through real time reporting
Automated warnings on meeting quorums, frequency of meetings, unimplemented decisions are displayed on the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) dashboard, and pushed out to the management team through scheduled emails.
Reports can be published to secured, watermarked PDF (viewable on all platforms), Microsoft Office Excel or Open Office equivalent, Microsoft Office Powerpoint or Open Office equivalent.
The standard suite of reports cover
Organisational structure – role definitions, committee charters
Decisions made – committee attendance, committee agenda and minutes, task responsibility,
Resources – training required, training undertaken,software register
Policies – appropriateness, timeliness