Policies define the decision boundaries when an organisation faces a challenge in achieving its strategic objectives. Operational excellence requires that policies are up to date and understood by all staff. Policies parked on dusty shelves provide no value to your organisation.
red flare provides a central policy hub that can be accessed by all staff. Attestations ensures that staff are aware and understand the policy. Review alerts ensures that policies are kept up to date.
Embed policies into day to day decision making with red flare
Benefits of red flare’s policy management
Centralised policy management
red flare streamlines the process of policy creation, review, approval, and communication. Enable policy awareness assessments, while also tracking attestations and exceptions to demonstrate policy compliance. Gain a centralised policy point to maintain the latest versions of policies and procedures. Enable employees and third parties to easily access the policies they need through the portal.
Map your policies to regulations, risks, and controls to identify potential gaps or blind spots. Also, through this integrated model, identify how a regulatory change can potentially impact existing policies. Finally, enable real-time tracking of the policy management life-cycle through powerful reports.